Sarah:: Okemos Senior Session
Meet Sarah! A beautiful senior girl from Okemos, MI. Sarah's mom got in touch with me a few weeks ago, because Sarah saw her friend's photos that I did and really liked them. I was very happy that she wanted to go to a few parks in Okemos, because I don't know of very many locations to do shoots at in and around Okemos, so it was nice to see a few places and get some new location ideas.
From what I can tell Sarah is pretty musically inclined. She plays the paino and also the violin. Sarah also used to be active in Softball and is hoping to play again this year. I asked her what she was going to do after high school and she said she is hoping to go to SVSU to do "something with Animals".

At her Church with the piano

At the softball feild

At home in their backyard

She was very brave and took off her boots and socks and climbed on the cold slippery rocks in the very cold water to get this shot!