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Shattuck Family

The Shattuck family was so much fun to hang out with for their family session. Mom, Sara, and I used to work in the same doctor's office. She worked for Dr. Sarvelpalli and I worked in the office in the Physical Therapy Dept. I remember when we were working together she became pregnant with twins. After she had the twins she didn't come back to work and was fortunate to be able to be a stay at home mom. Those twins are now 7 years old! Time flys!

Fast forward those 7 years and we finally reconnect via Facebook and Sara decides she wants to set a family photo session. We set it up, but the day we planned for it was cold and rainy and just plain yucky out. We decided to postpone it a week and I am so glad we did.

There is so much love in this family. I love how happy and playful they were.

Brotherly love at it's best. Twins... there definately is a special bond. One that no one will understand unless you are a twin.

Sisters... I foresee many fights over clothes when they are older. I think I even saw and elbow throw when we attempted this pose!

I absolutely love this one of Grace. I feel it really brings out her personalilty... her spunk and sass!

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