Amazon Favorites
I have put together a list of my favorite Amazon finds to share with you all. These are all things I have personally purchased, used and...

Dombrowski-Dosson Wedding
Katie and Decker have had a whirl wind few months. Decker proposed to Katie under the stars in early Fall. I met up with them in late...

Peyton: 6 month grow with me session
Miss Peyton first came to me when her momma was pregnant for her. We did Maternity photos, then newborn photos. Now it's time for her 6...

Dombrowski-Dosson Engagement
Katie and Decker are high school sweethearts. Decker purposed to Katie a few weeks ago under the stars. The stars play a role in their...

Sarah:: Okemos Senior Session
Meet Sarah! A beautiful senior girl from Okemos, MI. Sarah's mom got in touch with me a few weeks ago, because Sarah saw her friend's...

Fall Family Photos
So met up with this sweet family over six months ago for the first time to dotheir daughters newborn photos. Well, time flys and Miss C...

Shattuck Family
The Shattuck family was so much fun to hang out with for their family session. Mom, Sara, and I used to work in the same doctor's office....

Charlotte: Newborn
So I am a little behind in blogging. A few weeks ago I photographed this sweet newborn. Her name is Charlotte and she was just as...

Emmaline: Newborn
Sweet miss Emmaline was recently in the "studio" for her newborn session. Her momma and I used to work together. Her momma is a teacher...

Marie Dow Family: Central Michigan Family Photographer
I absolutely adore this family. I have known this family for a few short years, but in those few short years I have really gotten to...